Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I am tired, empty and confused. I feel suffocated by the circumstances in my life. Do I follow my head or my heart? Do I even know what my heart wants anymore? No. Why is the voice of God so hard to distinguish from my wants and fears? God feels a million miles away. I cry and I pray and I sleep away the day. I try to play with the kids and talk to my husband and do the next right thing. But I pretty much feel like the walking dead. Yet, there is something there. A spark of hope. I think I am becoming much better at dealing with suffering. Some days anyway. A lot of days I still find myself looking over the edge and wondering if today is the day I jump. I can't tell you if God is trying to push me off or hold me back. 


BrianM said...

At least you know he's on the ledge with you.

Michelle said...

Very true.

jss said...

Sounds like you're not in a very good place. Are you speaking about a metaphorical ledge or a real ledge?

Michelle said...

Definitely metaphorical! I'll spare you the "I'm fine" line and tell you that I'm experiening one of those times in life when a lot of things aren't going well at the same time. Am I coping? Most days. There is the ocassional mini-breakdown which kind of acts like a pressure release valve. I figure between 2 jobs, school, kids, etc I can only afford to fall apart for a few hours at a time.

I do have some hope again though... which is much better than a few weeks ago. I think I'm moving in the right direction.